General English
Program length: The length varies. You can start and end at different times. You can take as many courses as needed to reach your goals
Course levels:
A1-Beginner level: This course will teach you about some of the most simple parts of the English language in clear, and easy to follow rules. It is perfect for students who have little or no background in English.
A2-Pre-intermediate level: You will earn to understand sentences and common expressions about familiar topics such as family information, shopping, places of interest and work. You will earn to communicate in simple everyday tasks and describe aspects of the past, environment and matters related to immediate needs using simple language.
B1-Intermediate level: In this course learners will be able to understand the main points of clear texts on familiar topics in standard language, produce simple, organized texts about familiar topics and describe experiences, events, wishes and explain opinions and plans.
B2- Upper intermediate: Undergoing this course will enable you to understand the main ideas of complex texts on concrete or abstract topics, including some technical discussions. You will be able to
express fluently and spontaneously and comfortably communicate with other English speakers. You will be able to produce clear, detailed texts on many subjects and explain complex viewpoint on a topic also expressing advantages and disadvantages.
C1-Advanced: This course will help you to understand a wide range of difficult, long texts and recognize implicit meanings. You will be able to express yourselves fluently and spontaneously without any need to search for the right expression. You will be able to use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes, and also produce clear, structured and detail text on complex subjects.
C2- Proficiency: When you achieve this level you will be able to understand with ease practically everything you hear or read. Also, you will be able to summarize information and arguments from different spoken and written sources, and present them coherently and concisely. You will also be able to express yourselves spontaneously, very fluently and precisely.

Business English
Business English is offered in the Regular Program, Group Program or at the hourly rate of $30.00 per hour.*
It is extremely important with the explosion of the global business environment and economy that individuals are capable and coherent in Business English. Whether you are in accounting, production, sales, management or an executive you will be judged by others regarding your English competancy.
Here at ESL STUDY Canada I help you improve in the following areas, communication (speaking and listening), vocabulary building, business idioms, case studies, pronunciation, reading comprehension and business writing.
To book an appointment, please contact me
This prepares the students for university study, immigration and more. Select the TEFL test you’d like to take. There are two kinds TOEFL ibt and TOEFL essentials.
IELTS test:
This test assesses the Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking for the purpose of immigration, education in Universities, for a visa or to a professional association.
Business English
How does it work?
Duration: 100 days
Format: online
Levels: From Pre-intermediate (A2-B1) to Advanced (C1)
Why choose this course?
Business centered curriculum: Focus on language skills essential for negotiation, presentations and cross-cultural communication within the business context
Small class size (on availability): Get personalized attention
Career advancement: Content is tailored to boost your language proficiency and professional competencies
Course details
- Participants must commit to the duration of the programme to ensure consistency and optimal outcomes
- A maximum of one class per day is recommended to maximize learning retention and application
- Engage in class discussions and completing all business-related assignments is essential.